Acne is synonymous with hormonal teenagers; but in reality, it affects 60 million Americans – with 20% of those sufferers being adults. Acne is not necessarily a “phase” one grows out of. In fact, sometimes it pops up without warning in adulthood. Have you exhausted both time and money on over-the-counter or drugstore treatments, creams, and face washes to no avail? It may be time to bring in the “big guns.”
Dermatologists are a valuable resource for remedying a variety of skin disorders including acne. Keep track of the products you have tried. Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid are valuable ingredients for fighting bothersome blemishes; they reduce the number of acne-causing bacteria, and break down the thick layer of skin, respectively. While both drugs are championed in the Dermatological field for treating mild to moderate acne, more severe cases don’t always respond to them. If you’ve been using these types of treatments at home for more than six weeks without noticeable improvement, it’s time to consider a new approach.
Are you skipping that Monday trivia night again? What about brunch with your friends? Acne is much more than a cosmetic conundrum. According to the British Journal of Dermatology, having problem skin can leave emotional and psychological scars that last long after those red bumps have faded. Don’t let acne derail your self-esteem; stop it in its tracks with the help of a dermatologist. They will not only provide medical grade solutions – such as birth control pills, antibiotics, and topical retinoids, but also offer emotional guidance on dealing with this condition.
If you had gained or lost a drastic amount of weight, most would see that as a red flag to seek the help of a physician. Skin changes are no exception. If you’ve experienced a sudden shift in the state of your skin, or your once-perfect complexion now shows signs of moderate to severe breakouts – it’s time to ask a Dermatologist for assistance. In many cases, they can help you deduce alternate causes of acne. Some common culprits are starting a new diet, hormonal shifts, or experiencing unusual amounts of stress.
Consider the type of acne you have. More than skin-deep, Cystic acne lingers beneath the surface of your epidermis. When a build-up of bacteria, skin cells, and oil (sebum) get trapped in your pores, painful cysts can form. Unresponsive to weak OTC treatments, this type of acne can result in extreme scarring, as well as infections in the skin if left untreated. If you suffer from large, painful red or white bumps below the skin, it’s imperative that you seek dermatological treatment as soon as possible. Perhaps, the most distinctive feature of this acne type is that these bumps don’t come to “a head” – meaning that in some cases, they’ll never surface or heal on their own. This only becomes worse when someone takes matters into their own hands to attack the acne. Your physician can prescribe an oral medication such as isotretinoin (Sotret) which is successful at banishing these nodules and preventing permanent scarring.
Some other medical conditions, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can lead to a worsening or development of acne. Hormonal imbalances like this one are notorious for worsening a person’s skin. It’s best not to make a self-diagnosis, even with what seems like an endless source of information on the internet. A reputable dermatologist will pinpoint the exact cause of your acne, and craft a course of action to put you on the path to smoother, suppler skin.
One dermatology rule of thumb: if you’re not seeing an improvement after 10-12 weeks of using OTC remedies, it’s time to contact a trained professional. The experts at Vanguard Skin Specialists are seasoned in diagnosing and treating a variety of skin disorders in people of all ages. We can offer helpful tips, tricks, and treatment regimens to quell acne, and boost your confidence. For more information, call (719) 355-1585.