Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there. In the spirit of this month, we want to tailor this message to men.
It’s common knowledge that men do not take care of their skin as well as women. Some of you have admitted to us how little time you spend taking care of your skin — you wash your face in the shower by using the suds from the shampoo, you never moisturize, and sunscreen is an afterthought.
But there is one area where we want all of our male patients to focus — skin cancer prevention.
A 2015 study by the Skin Cancer Foundation shows that. . .
- Only 51% of U.S. men report using sunscreen in the past 12 months
- 70% of men do not know the warning signs of skin cancer
- Men are 2x more likely than women to die of melanoma
You can make very small and simple changes to reduce your risk.
- Know whether you are at high risk, because then you must be particularly vigilant about skin protection and early detection. You are a man at risk if. . .
- You are over the age of 50
- You have had a mole removed in the past of premalignant lesions in the past
- You have a family history of skin cancer
- You have fairer skin (although all skin types can develop skin cancer)
- Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. It should be part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth in the morning.
- Get an annual skin exam and check yourself out every month in the mirror.
- If you see a spot that is new, changing, or just won’t go away, call us right away. Most skin cancer is treatable and curable if detected early.