By Dr. Renata Prado Board-certified dermatologist & fellowship-trained Mohs surgeon Every day, as a dermatologist who specializes in skin cancer, I educate my patients on the signs of the deadliest skin cancer–melanoma. Dermatologists and our patients learn to memorize the ABCDE signs of melanoma: Asymmetry Border irregularity Color variations Diameter over ¼ inch (6 […]
Why you should never, ever get into a tanning bed
By Dr. Renata Prado Board certified dermatologist & fellowship-trained Mohs surgeon You have a big occasion coming up: prom, graduation, wedding. You think you will look a lot better with a glowing tan, and sign up for indoor tanning. I am here to tell you why this is a very bad idea. I can start […]
Teacher, Jewelry Designer, Nurse Practitioner – Meet Jennifer Garrick
Part of our “Women on Their Second Careers” Series There are people who have passions and there are people who pursue their passions. You can count Jennifer Garrick as one who pursues her passions. Jennifer’s career path from fifth grade teacher, to high-end children’s jewelry designer, to nurse practitioner is defined by her motivation to […]
Pre-Cancerous Spot: Is Actinic Keratosis serious?
You go to the dermatologist with some concerning spot, and you’re told that you have Actinic Keratosis (AK) or Actinic Keratoses (plural). The good news is…you don’t have skin cancer. . . yet. Approximately 58 million Americans have at least one AK, so you are not alone. Actinic keratosis is a common precancer on the […]
Break Habits that Age Your Skin
Happy New Year! As you make your new year resolutions, consider dropping the bad habits that are causing your skin to age too quickly. Our dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and skin experts share their advice on how to prevent aging skin. 1. Pulling at Your Eyes How you clean and protect your eyes can affect damage […]
Dancing Dermatologists
What makes us the best dermatologists and plastic surgeons in Colorado? We know how to Bust a Move! We hope to make you laugh with our annual music video. Thank you for letting us serve you and your family. We wish you good skin health in 2020!
Finding Your Joy at Vanguard: Why Vanguard Is a Terrific Place to Work
There’s an African proverb we love at Vanguard, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” In other words, we can’t expect to be great on our own—we’re all in this together. This is why we operate as one team and do not let our fellow team […]